Windows 8 Shortcut Keys

Keys Descriptions
Windows key Access the Start screen
Windows+D Access the Desktop.
Windows+C Show the Charms.
Windows+Q Search
Windows+H Share
Windows+K Start Windows Devices
Windows+I Settings
Windows+Z Show the App Bar while in any app.
Windows+Tab Cycle through open apps.
Alt+Tab Cycle through open apps.
Zoom in and out Ctrl+- to zoom out and Ctrl++ to zoom in
Windows+period Snap an app to one side of the screen
Start Screen Windows Key
Right Shift key If you press it for eight seconds, it turns on Filter Keys. If you press it five times in a row, it turns on Sticky Keys.
Ctrl+mouse wheel When used on the desktop, it changes the size of your desktop icons. When used on the Start screen, it zooms in and out.
Ctrl+A Select all.
Win+C Open the charms.
Ctrl+C Copy.
Win+D Show the desktop.
Alt +D Select the address bar in Internet Explorer.
Ctrl+Alt +D Enable the Docked mode in the Magnifier tool.
Win+E Open File Explorer.
Ctrl+E Select the search box in File Explorer.
Win+F Show Files in the Search charm.
Win+Ctrl+F Open the Find Computers window, which can find computers on a network (used mostly in business networks).
Win+G Cycle through desktop gadgets.
Win+H Open the Share charm.
Win+I Open the Settings charm.
Ctrl+Alt +I Invert colors in the Magnifier tool.
Win+J Switch the focus between snapped apps and larger apps.
Win+K Open the Devices charm.
Win+L Lock the computer and display the Lock screen.
Ctrl+Alt +L Enable Lens mode in the Magnifier tool.
Win+M Minimize all the windows on the desktop.
Ctrl+N Open a new File Explorer window.
Ctrl+Shift +N Create a new folder in File Explorer.
Win+O Change the Lock screen orientation.
Win+P Open the project options for a second screen.
Win+Q Open the Search charm.
Win+R Open the Run window.
Ctrl+R Refresh.
Win+T Set the focus on the taskbar and cycle through the running desktop apps.
Win+U Launch the Ease of Access Center.
Win+V Cycle through notifications.
Win+Shift +V Cycle through notifications in backward order.
Ctrl+V Paste.
Win+W Open Settings in the search charm.
Ctrl+W Close the current window. It works only in desktop apps.
Win+X Open the hidden system menu.
Ctrl+X Cut.
Ctrl+Y Redo.
Tip: When you’re ready to shut down your computer, use Windows+I and then click or tap the Power button, found on the bottom right.

Tip: You’ll find that many of the traditional shortcuts you’ve always used still exist, such as Windows+L to lock and Windows+P to project to another display.
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